Last night I had the incredible pleasure of watching Julie McAdoo walk on stage at the Tampa Hilton as a room full of hundreds of attendees applauded her success as an Entrepreneur! It was a moment I will long remember!!
Join us in welcoming Pete Blum, our new Project Transition USA LinkedIN Group Co-Manager!
I’m very excited to announce that former U.S. Marine, Pete Blum, has joined our Project Transition USA LinkedIN Group Management Team! As we approach the 2,500 member milestone, we are extremely grateful to Pete Blum for volunteering his time and
Introducing our Project Transition USA YouTube Channel for Transitioning Military Veterans
We’ve created our new YouTube Channel especially for transitioning military veterans seeking meaningful and rewarding new careers! And here’s a Quick Start Guide to help you find the videos you need most right NOW: * Want to learn how
Pane Rustica Sponsors Jan. 2015 LinkedIN Workshop for Transitioning Military on MacDill AFB
Thank you to all who participated in our January LinkedIN Job Search Workshop on MacDill AFB! We are sending out a HUGE thank you to our Workshop Sponsor, Kevin Kruszewski, owner of the awesome Pane Rustica Bakery & Cafe in
Bright House Networks Sponsors LinkedIN Job Search Workshop on MacDill AFB
Bright House Networks has become a sponsor of our LinkedIN Job Search Workshop on MacDill AFB! Why teach LinkedIN to transitioning troops on U.S. military bases? Because is the #1 hiring tool for recruiters & business owners in the